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2) Findings

In this section, I will focus on a few interesting observations I made from this application.


Language Use: 


One of the most interesting things I found through this application was how between 2013 and 2015 the language of choice for the internet has changed:















At first, I was confused as to how English usage could go down from 2013.  You'd figure that as more time passes, more people would prefer it.  However, it can also be taken as more time passes, better technology and more people create webpages and sites using their national language of the region which in this case is Arabic which we can see has gone up in usage since 2013.



Social Media:


Back in 2013, Whatsapp was just gaining steam in the Middle East.  Who would've thought if you look at it now, it would be the second only to Facebook for the most popular social media platform, and actualyl even more popular than Facebook in some countries.  If Tunisia was taken out of the picture, I'm sure that they would almost be neck and neck.  Since 2013, Facebook and Twitter's popularity has taken a hit which is probably due to Whatsapp's growth along with a combination of all the other social platforms as well.
















Freedom of Speech:


A person's freedom of speech is one of the most important issues around the world.  From 2013. we can see that people feel less safe publicly expressing their opinions through various forms of social media:

















As seen above, it can be seen that views from 2013 have changed a good deal.  For example, from the first chart we can see that either people do not feel safe criticizing the government, OR they are more satisfied with their Political leaders.  However, when we factor in the rest of the graphs we can see that there is a sense of fear or uneasiness from the people.  When the people feel they cannot express unpopular ideas on the internet AND they feel like the internet should be less regulated, then it is safe to assume they want a more liberal approach to social media.



From here, I will comment on the application and it's features.

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